Follow the Fly – R • 8×32 • 3/4 L
A 32-bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set. 1–8 mirror reel of 3 on sidelines (2s start in and down) 9–16 2s lead down, 1s step down on bar 5+6, 2s lead up to first place 17–24 2s + 3s 1/2 Double Fo8 around the 1s (3 cross up), 1s + […]
The Pine Martens – R • 8×40 • 3/4 L
A 40-bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set. 1–8 1s cast down one place and dance down (NHJ) around 3s (own sides) cross passing left shoulder to face 2nd corner 9–16 1c dance RSh around 2nd corners (at end 1s swivel R to be BtoB facing 1st cnr) while 2nd corners […]
Wandering Gliders – R • 4×32 • 4/4 L
A 32-bar reel for four couples in a four couple longwise set. 1–4 1M+2M and 3L+4L S&Link 5–8 1L+2L and 3M+3M set while 1M and 4L dance up/down through the middle finish next to their partner faceing out (2M steps down, 3L steps up)2L and 3M continue like in a regular S&Link while 1L and […]
Particle Quartet – R • 6×32 • 2/3 L
A 32-bar jig for two couples in a three couple longwise set. 1–4 1L+2L half Figure of eight around men 5–8 Set 2s cast into 1s places (like in Set&Link) 1s half Lefthandturn 9–12 1/2 Rsh Reel on diagonal 13–16 balance in Line1c turn LH 3/4 to face first corner positions while 2s chase one […]