Laura and SCD

Swallow’s Curves – R • 8×40 • 3/4 L

A 40-bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set.

1–81c turn, cast to 2nd place (2s up on 3+4) and dance up around the 2s (1 L around 2 L, 1 M around 2 M) back to 2nd place
9–16Reel of three on sidelines (1s start in and down)
17–241s dance down; and up (end faceing out own sides)
25–321s+2s dance ½ double Fig of 8 (1s cast up to start); and 
1s+3s dance ½ double Fig of 8 (1s cast down to start) (2x, 1, 3x)
33–401s cast to their right half way around the set while 2s+3s turn RH ½ and cast away; 
1s cross and all set