Laura and SCD

A Morning in March – J • 8×32 • 3/4 L

A 32-bar jig for three couples in a four couple longwise set.

1–81M+2L set, 1L+2M set and dance LSh around partners 
ending back to back in the middle to face their partners in a diagonal line
9–121c+2c dance ½ “Hello-Goodbye Poussette”;
1s+2s ½ diagonal reel of 4
17–241s+2s set, 1L+2M petronella turn to own sides (1L to 2nd place, 2M to 1st place);
1M+2L ½ turn RH and cast away
25–32parallel reels of 3 on sides (1L in and up to start, 1M out and up to start)