Laura and SCD

The Pine Martens – R • 8×40 • 3/4 L

A 40-bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set.

1–81s cast down one place and dance down (NHJ) around 3s (own sides) cross passing left shoulder to face 2nd corner
9–161c dance RSh around 2nd corners (at end 1s swivel R to be BtoB facing 1st cnr) while 2nd corners cross and set; 1c dance LSh around 1st corners (at end 1s swivel L to end facing partner in the middle, w facing down and m facing up) while 2nd corners cross and set
17–241s set advancing to the R into sidelines facing out
1s dance 3/4 double Fo8 with the 2s (2s starting crossing up and end facing out)
25–322s dance 3/4 double Fo8 with the 3s (3s starting crossing down)
3M+1L turn 1/2 RH and 3L+1M turn 1/2 LH
33–40213 dance cross-over reels on sidelines (1s start out and up, 3s cross up to start)