Laura and SCD

Flowers of the North – M • 4×32 • 4/4 S

A 128-bar medley (2×32 S + 2×32 J) for four couples in a four couple square set.

1–8Ladies petronella inwards, dance out (passing partner RSh) to progressed places clw and cast to the right one place cw while
Men cast one place clw, petronella inwards (passing partner RSh) and dance out to progressed places cw
All couples turn 3/4 LH to finish: Men on inside, Ladies on outside, both facing cw
9–16Criss Cross (all change places with partners advancing one place and change places again advancing one more place)
Ladies chase half way around the Set to finish in the inner place while
Men dance RA once round and finish in the outer place
17–24Criss Cross (all change places with partners advancing one place and change places again advancing one more place)
Men chase half way around the Set to finish next to partner facing in while
Ladies dance RA once round and finish next to partner facing out (1234)
25–32Flower Reel: Ladies cast to the left into the next mens’ place ccw, finish facing in while Men dance through the middle to the next ladies place ccw (like in Schiehallion Reels)
Men cast to the left into the next mens’ place ccw, finish facing in while Ladies dance through the middle to the next ladies place cclw (like in Schiehallion Reels)
Ladies cast to the left into the next mens’ place ccw, finish facing in while Men dance through the middle to the next ladies place ccw (like in Schiehallion Reels)
All couples turn 1/2 with RH (4123)